Federal Security Clearances & Personal Finance
Over 70% of Security Clearance denials are due to Financial Considerations!
One’s ability to satisfy financial responsibilities is directly linked to one’s ability to protect classified information!
Applying for a federal security clearance or participating in a reinvestigation process can be overwhelming, especially if you are experiencing financial obstacles or have in the past. The stakes are even higher if your ability to obtain or retain a clearance is the difference between keeping and losing your General Schedule (GS) position or Military Occupational Speciality (MOS).
Working with an Accredited Financial Counseling agency who specializes in Federal Security Clearance assistance is the resource you need to help you through the process! We will use our experience and expertise to:
- Assist with the completion of Section 26: Financial Record of the Questionnaire for National Security Positions – Standard Form (SF) 86
- Identify and assess any potential security concerns
- Identify mitigating conditions to the security concerns
- Prepare for a Subject Interview
- Review all documentation received pertaining to the preliminary decision made to suspend, deny, or revoke your eligibility for access to classified information
- Prepare a response to a Statement of Reasons (SOR) as part of a Letter of Intent (LOI), Letter of Denial (LOD) or Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA) citing Guideline F: Financial Considerations
- Prepare a response for a Request for Supplemental Information citing Guideline F: Financial Considerations
- Complete a tri-merge credit analysis, create a spending plan, and applicable self directed debt management plan to address and mitigate suitability concerns
- Provide resources, tools, and strategies through financial education that will aid in preventing these financial concerns from recurring
Contact us if you:
- Are completing Section 26 of the Questionnaire for National Positions Standard Form (SF) 86.
- Have received a Letter of Intent (LOI) / Statement of Reasons (SOR) Package
- Have received a Request of Supplemental Information,
Our main objective is to assist you in obtaining or retaining your Federal Security Clearance so you can keep your career!

Ask an AFC
Investment $100
Client submits a written explanation of their finance related situation. We will review the submission and schedule a 45-minute telephonic consultation. During our conversation we will assess the client’s situation, prioritize presented issues, and identify a strategy to address adverse information.

Security Clearance Q&A
Investment $70
The Q&A Service is designed to answer written questions up to 500 words relating to financial records and/or financial consideration policies, procedures, and standards. This service will not address specific or individual security concerns. A detailed response of up to 500 words will be emailed to client within two (2) business days.

Pre-Clearance Assessment
Estimated Investment 4 – 10 hours | Hourly rate $80
This service includes a review of the questions outlined in Section 26 – Financial Record of the Stand Form (SF) 86. A tri-merge credit analysis – credit report review from Equifax, Experian, and Transunion will be completed checking for inaccuracies and outlining any adverse information. Education will be provided on how to address stated areas of concern and avoid financial mishaps in the future. Budget reviews and self-directed debt repayment plans are also available.

Security Clearance Application
Estimated Investment of 1 to 4 hours | Hourly rate $80
This service includes a complete review of Section 26 – Financial Record of the Standard Form 86. We will identify information that may cause a security concern, and discuss how to articulate such information fully, completely, and honestly. The service will review any plans already in place and/or create a plan of action for each indicated concern.

Statement of Reasons (SOR) Response
Estimated Investment of 6 to 24 hours | Hourly rate $80
This service is for individuals who have received a Statement of Reasons (SOR), as a part of a Letter of Intent (LOI) to deny or revoke a security clearance, or Letter of Denial (LOD), Letter of Revocation (LOR) with your SOR, or a Notice of Proposed Action (NOPA). All documents provided to client will be reviewed. A credit analysis will be completed as well as financial counseling to include a budget review, self-directed debt repayment plan as applicable, and financial education on how to avoid financial pitfalls . Client will also receive assistance in writing a personal response which will answer each outlined concern, apply adjudicative guidelines and mitigating conditions while explaining a realistic plan of action. A statement from an Accredited Financial Counselor® outlining financial counseling, education, and tools provided will also be included and packaged in a complete, accurate, and honest response to the SOR or NOPA.

Subject Interview Preparation
Estimated Investment of 2 to 4 hours| Hourly rate $80
This service includes a review of Section 26 of the applicant’s clearance application and other attachments if applicable. Client will be coached on how to accurately and honestly answer questions. Client will also receive applicable documents to bring and remit to the investigator.
Schedule a discovery call today!
There is no time to waste when your career is at stake!