
Discovery Call
A 15-minute, no-cost telephonic consultation to include a brief overview of our service and how Elite Financial Consulting can assist you in achieving your financial goals.
Empowerment Plan
A comprehensive look at your monthly income, expenses, and debts. This foundational Information is used to construct a fluid financial plan that actively meets your goals.
Investment: $150

The Gold Print
A self-directed Debt Management Plan. This is for those who have debt and cannot see the end of the tunnel. This plan will be complete with a repayment schedule depending on either the snowball (paying balances smallest to largest) or avalanche (addressing highest interest rate debts first) methods. The gold Print will get you out of that debt tunnel and on the road to keeping more of your income!
Investment: $150
Goal Planning
A discussion of financial goals and development of a structured plan using the SMART method. Popular goals include saving for emergencies, home purchases, education, travel, medical expenses, holiday and special occasions.
Investment: $150

Ask an afc
Ask any personal finance related question where you will be provided information, resources, and guidance
Investment: $40
Credit Restoration
A comprehensive review of your Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion credit reports; identifying the elements hurting your credit score, and creating an action plan to meet your credit goals!

Federal Security clearance assistance
Personal finance is a large factor in ones ability to obtain and retain a Federal Security Clearance. If you are applying for a National Security Position, have received a request for supplemental information, or must respond to a preliminary decision to deny, suspend, or revoke your clearance, we can help! Click the link below to view our programs.
“Financial Literacy is just as important in life as the other basics” – John Rogers Jr.